Cuckquean – Feminine Pleasure – By TugaEris

Cuckquean – Feminine Pleasure – By TugaEris

Most of us will have heard of “Cuckold” which, despite having several interpretations, basically means husband of an adulterous woman with consent. Using direct language, it means “A man who gets horny watching his wife fuck other men. The so-called Corno Manso».

And what about a Cuckquean?

I’m not going to give “scientific” explanations, it’s a woman who gets excited by seeing her man with other women. And yes, it exists! And she is not a lover or a supporter of Polyamory, because the women who enter into this couple's fantasy are “disposable”, they are not part of any love relationship, only of sexual satisfaction.

I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to a Cuckquean and the sparkle in her eyes describing what she felt watching her husband fucking another woman with strength and determination left me excited, admired and excited at the same time, in short, a mixed feelings that are difficult to describe.

If, on the one hand, I didn't know that there were women with huge sexual openness and I felt excited about the news, on the other hand, I was amazed at the natural way in which she told me about her husband's adventures.

The first time I decided to put my fantasy into practice, we had been together for two years, I called him and said, "honey, I'm taking a friend home!", I didn't know that the friend had been his ex-girlfriend, it still went well in the same!

I asked her about the fact that she accepts women in her house, in her bed, as women are generally possessive. I consider myself a woman with sexual openness and I confess that I have had threesomes with boyfriends in a calm way but I have never imagined another woman in my bed, in my sheets and cleaning herself with my towels.

So fuck my man still uses my stuff?? None of that!

And I told her about this dilemma of mine and she replied:

"Oh Ana, the water and the soap are fantastic, they wash everything, I don't care about hair or perfumes. When I call my husband and he says he's at home with someone, I go faster, more horny, to still watch and In the end I still have breakfast with her, no problem… Wash everything and someone else comes, I have women at home with us from Monday to Friday without any problems!”

There are lucky men! I thought, I wish I had been born a man and been lucky enough to marry a “Cuckquean”. Conversation interrupted by the entrance of a pretty girl who liked the couple. They exchanged looks and I walked away.

At sunrise, several hours later, the three of them went down the stairs with big smiles and complicit looks like someone who had just had a good fuck.

When I said goodbye, I also left him one of my business cards. Who knows, maybe one day I'll watch all the action from a box.

In my case, it's just a shame that to taste the "honey" I would have to go through the chorizo, when the honey is much more interesting!

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15 things that instantly indicate man is bad at sex.

15 things that instantly indicate man is bad at sex.

Women shared their negative experiences of their sexual life. Married, in relationships, single — they all wrote what upsets and angers them in male behavior. I have collected all the top answers for you and highlighted women’s comments in bold text. Regular text — my comments.

1. When man does his job like a hammer. Do kisses and compliments instead, and most importantly, do it slowly!

2. Being selfish. Ignoring what woman explicitly told NOT to do.

The most popular answer. Hundreds of women have written about this in various forms. It would seem like the most obvious thing in the world, but many men forget about it. B

3. I don’t need man who is willing to “work” for 3 hours if he doesn’t care about my wishes.

4. When he gets angry if I ask him to do things differently.

You can understand the guy — it’s unpleasant when you’re in the midst of it, feeling reeeeally good. And then the woman starts scolding you, saying “No, stop! Don’t do it!” Of course it’s offensive, of course it turnes you off. But hey, listen, what if I tell you, that your woman already feels bad and already is turned off because of your actions? Should she be angry If you continue to do what you did, your partnet will be extremely unhappy in the end.

5. Horrible smells. Please wash all your BITS.

6. It’s a pity to look at a man who cannot laugh at himself and calmly accept failure.

Many of us have made all sorts of mistakes. Some people can’t start, others can’t finish. Well, in the end, the man freaks out, gets offended or angry at the woman, saying she is to blame. Why can’t you say “Haha, well, I screwed up, it happens. We’ll try agin tomorrow.” This will earn you more respect.

7. “But my ex liked it!” A funny and stupid argument that will only anger your partner.

8. To ignore my requests. Especially when he says “yeah”, and 20 seconds later he goes back doing what he was doing before.

9. To do it in silence. No emotions, no sounds.

There are studies that clearly prove that auditory stimulation helps women to finish — like, a lot, really. Whispering something in her ear, especially right at the last seconds, is a thrill for them.

10. Turn away and sleep immediately after finishing. Hey, what about me?

Classic. Which man hasn’t done this before? I definitely did. And it’s sad. This is a direct disregard for a woman as a person with her needs.

11. At least cuddle a little and lie quietly after everything.

12. No preparation, no care, no attention.

Story from a reader:

One day, my attention was sought by a colleague from work who went out of his way to win me over. Flowers, compliments, gifts, courtship. When I finally gave in and we arrived at his house, his entire behavior changed 180 degrees. He hammered me like a robot without any emotion, I was terribly uncomfortable. At first I was worried about him that he was nervous, but that’s not the case. When I said that he shouldn’t treat me like that, he started to ARGUE. And then I realized that in fact he is always like this — a selfish narcissisist.

13. Take an example from porn. This is just stupid. There’s nothing real there.

14. If I say “no” it means “NO”.

No comments here, learn to respect other people’s refusals.

15. To ignore the body language.

Not all women are brave enough to say “no” or “I don’t like it that way.” Some gals tense up and make dissatisfied sounds, it is important to keep an eye on this. If you don’t, your woman will simply ghost you in the end (and if it is your wife, she will grow cold towards you and will look for excuses not to have sex ). Help the woman, ask her questions, and monitor how relaxed or tense she is.

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We Asked 1,000 People about Their Sex Lives, and We Can Categorically Say, There Is No Normal

We Asked 1,000 People about Their Sex Lives, and We Can Categorically Say, There Is No Normal

For an act as old as humanity itself, sex has never seemed so complicated. A glance at the headlines will tell you Gen Z are doing less of it, while middle-aged divorcees are embracing hook-up culture and monogamy is dwindling.

Certainly the landscape is changing. Recent research by dating app Bumble found that more than 40% of its users would describe their approach to sex and intimacy as ‘open and exploratory’ – a trend reflected in our own, nationally representative survey of 1,000 people.

In the UK, over a third of men (37%) are currently single, rising to more than half of men under the age of 35. Across all demographics, more than a quarter of British men tell us they’ve had sex with more than one person at once, while 17% have attended a sex club or other group sexual experience – and a further 28% are open to an invite.

Labels mean less than they once did, too. Among straight-identifying men aged 25 to 34, one in five have had a romantic or sexual encounter with another man, or with someone whose identity is non-binary or genderqueer.

‘Intimate relationships are evolving,’ says James Eve, a psychosexual and relationships therapist. ‘While many of the same anxieties remain – around intimacy, infidelity, sexual difficulties and finding, keeping or leaving a partner – marriage and 2.4 children is no longer viewed as the only viable option.’

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'I bonked two work colleagues during wild boozy threesome – now my life's a wreck'

'I bonked two work colleagues during wild boozy threesome – now my life's a wreck'

One distraught Daily Star reader has reached out to agony aunt Jane O'Gorman for advice after a threesome with his work colleagues left his life in freefall

My life is in freefall after I got drunk and let myself down with two female colleagues.

We were on a residential course by the coast. The workshops and lectures were boring, so I spent a lot of time propping up the hotel bar.

On the last afternoon I was joined by workmates who were up for a laugh. We drank wine before moving on to shots.

By 9pm there were only three of us left – me and two women from sales. One suggested grabbing a bottle and going back to her room, so we did.

One thing led to another and we three had sex in her bed. It was wild. The next morning, I was buzzing. My male colleagues jeered as I did the walk of shame to my car.

I got home and was still so horny, that I coaxed my partner into bed where I was on fire.

Two days later my partner went nuclear. Someone had blabbed.

My partner says she no longer wants to be with me, and my boss says he’s “re-assessing my position” because he trusted me to behave myself.

I feel a complete idiot. My partner is an amazing person. How could I betray her? She’s now hiding out with her sister. I’ve tried ringing and texting her, but she refuses to speak to me.

Meanwhile I’m being side-lined and ignored at work. My two female lovers have transferred to another office and the guy I considered my best work mate (who I think was the leak) is strutting around like a peacock.

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ARIES (from 03/21 to 04/19)
You throw a tantrum because your suitor hasn't planned anything, even though you've been saying for six months that Valentine's Day annoys you.

TAURUS (from 04/20 to 05/20)
You had planned a cocooning and somewhat uploaded TV evening, but ruined the surprise by paying for the sushi with your sweetheart's account.

GEMINI (from 05/21 to 06/21)
You arrange to meet a stranger who has previously been insulted by X at a political meeting and forget to ask him his first name when leaving.

CANCER (from 06/22 to 07/22)
You treat yourself to a self-care day based on massage, detox juice and romantic music that will make you cry and stalk your exes.

LEO (07/23 to 08/22)
You arrive 45 minutes late at the Radisson dressed in animal skin, while the diamond wedding ring is waiting for you in the champagne flute.

VIRGO (from 08/23 to 09/22)
You have a breakdown when you notice that your partner has scattered rose petals everywhere and have an allergy to sandalwood candles.

LIBRA (from 09/23 to 10/23)
You are entangled in three poorly organized meetings because you were unable to refuse all the requests and all four end up in a libertine club.

SCORPIO (from 10/24 to 11/22)
You create fake Tinder accounts to sabotage your ex's party and organize a satanic rite with the neighborhood singles.

SAGITTARIUS (from 11/23 to 12/22)
You spend the evening in Las Vegas with strangers and wake up two days later with a ring on your finger and an electronic bracelet on your foot.

CAPRICORN (from 12/23 to 01/20
You enjoy a candlelit pasta dish on video with your crush, while having five professional windows open on the PC.

AQUARIUS (01/21 to 02/19)
You organize an anti-Valentine's Day swingers' party in a squat with unsold petit fours from the local bakery

FISH (from 02/20 to 03/20)
You invite all the lonely souls around you for a home-cooked meal and manage to fit everyone in before midnight (except you).

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