Real Swing is here on
Your perfect match is just a click away

All starts with one touch

You find us, finally. ‭Swingers around the world already shared the same experience and uses our system. Joining us today and enjoy!

  • 5.618
  • Members in total
  • 4.312
  • Couples
  • 564
  • Single Women
  • 702
  • Single Men

Why Choose To Become a Member?

Embrace a world of shared pleasure, excitement, and discretion with Our vibrant and secure community offers an exclusive platform for you to connect with other swingers, explore new desires, and embark on unforgettable adventures. Join us today and uncover a realm of endless possibilities, from intimate conversations and engaging posts to thrilling events, exclusive clubs, and a diverse network of members. We are committed to fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding, ensuring that your privacy and satisfaction are our top priorities.

  • Register FREE

    You can register and create your profile for FREE!

  • General Data Protection Regulation

    All your personal data, publications and contacts are all encrypted and protected according to GDPR.

  • Share experiences

    Share your experiences, build relationships with other members, build friendships, find private events, parties and clubs.

  • WeSwing Chat

    Chat with your friends, share photos, videos among yourselves. WeSwing Chat is a discreet web app that won't notify you about your conversations.

Concerns or questions?

Check out our support area where you can find questions asked by our members and answered by the WeSwing team.

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Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information.

I'm from
I'm from, is required!
I am
I am, is required!
Username is required! Username must be longer than 4 characters. There is already a user with this Username.
First and last name is required! First and last name must be longer than 8 characters.
Email is required!
Phone number is invalid! Enter your correct mobile number without the country code. It will be used to receive access codes or password recovery.
Password must be longer than 6 characters! Password is weak!
Confirm password is required! Password is not the same!
If you have a PREMIUM code, enter it here, if not, leave it blank.

Check our terms and conditions before sign up. If you familiar with our terms, go ahead click CREATE MY ACCOUNT button.



Account created.

You will now receive an email with a link to activate your account, only after activating, you will be able to login.

don't forget to check the spam folder if you can't find our email in your inbox



Activation email sent.

You will receive again the email with a link to activate your account, only after activating, you will be able to login.

don't forget to check the spam folder if you can't find our email in your inbox


Oops! - sorry!

Account Not Activated.

Please check your email, we send an email at registration with a link to activate your account.

if you can't find the email, ask for login recovery (FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?) to receive the link again



Account Activated.

Now that you have successfully activated your account, you only have to login with your username and password in the option LOG IN.

after logging in, your session is active for 7 days on this device.



We found your account.

You will now receive an email with your access data, then you only have to login in this option LOG IN.

don't forget to check the spam folder if you can't find our email in your inbox


Oops! - sorry!

There is already a user with this email.

It looks like an account already exists with this email, use the option FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?.

don't forget to check the spam folder if you can't find our email in your inbox


Oops! - sorry!

The premium code is invalid!


Oops! - sorry!

Something went wrong.

Confirm that you have entered your correct username and password.

if in doubt, you can always ask for the recovery of your data



Premium Voucher Activated



Survey recorded, thank you very much for your feedback. As you know, this is your home, and we are always available if you want to talk to us.



Now you will receive an email with a link to confirm the change of the telephone number.



Phone number has been updated.



Language has been changed.


Oops! - sorry!

Something went wrong.

Confirm that you are putting all the correct data that are being asked for.

avoid copy / paste this action can create unexpected errors.


Oops! - sorry!

Something went wrong.

Make sure your age fields are filled in (option above your profile picture).
Check if you have uploaded your profile picture.
Check if you have entered your presentation text.


Oops! - sorry!

Something went wrong.

There seems to be a problem with the connection.

Confirm that you are connected to the internet and that it is working


Oops! - sorry!

Account not yet approved.

Your account has not yet been approved, ask for approval on your profile page.


Oops! - sorry!

Free account limit reached.

You have reached the limit for consultation and interaction on WeSwing with your free account.
You will have to wait a few days before you can use it again.


Oops! - sorry!

Free account limit reached.

Only users with Premium accounts can consult members,events,feed... from other countries.



Premium Account Activated.

If the system does not accept the activation of the Premium Account, log off and then login again.



Payment details are valid for 2 days.

Payment details sent by email.



Payment request sent to the number

Do not close this window, it will close as soon as you make the payment.


Oops! - sorry!

Payment request has expired.

Time set by the MbWay service to make the payment has expired, try again.

Change phone
Phone number is invalid!
Change language

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